As an aged care provider, you’re in charge of a lot of personal data and it’s important to keep it safe. With more staff using technology and a range of software programs, it’s likely multiple people will have logins to access sensitive resident data.
· But what happens when staff members leave?
· Are staff using the same login details to access resident information?
· Do you have processes in place to make sure old user logins are deactivated or removed?
Having the answers to these questions and a plan for user management is important for security of the organisation, staff, and residents. Here are 4 reasons why you should review your active users and spring clean your logins.
1. Reduce security risks for your organisation
If multiple staff members use a shared email or login for software, it means anyone who knows the password will have access to data – leaving a security risk for your organisation.
Using a shared login and/or passwords is a bad idea as you’ll have to update the user details and passwords anytime a new staff member joins or exits the company, making it a nightmare for everyone who uses those credentials. If details or passwords are not updated, anyone who knows this information will be able to access your software, regardless of their employment status, which is risky business.
Using a shared login also increases the chances of someone finding out the password and getting unauthorised access. If a co-worker stores the shared password on a sticky note on their PC or writes it down somewhere, the ability for hackers to get into your software has increased 10-fold!
2. Gain efficiencies for admin and support
Setting up individual user login details and keeping an accurate record will create efficiency for admin and ensures faster and proper support, not just with SoupedUp software. If admin can easily see details of new users and those to be deactivated, they can arrange for this to quickly happen, reducing the security risk for your company.
Remembering different passwords for multiple software programs can also be a challenge. With an accurate log and password manager, staff can check this information with appropriate personnel or support in a timely manner.
Other aged care software like SoupedUp may also have unique user roles and credentials. Support staff can easily provide the right support if they know which areas of the software users have access to, and their role within the organisation.
3. Create accountabilities for all users
Unique, individual logins mean any action performed in the software will be logged to a person. Admins or managers will be able to see who made updates or changes to things like menus, recipes, or orders, which ensures accountability for reporting purposes. Additionally, if a security issue happens, the IT team can easily touch base with the person who made the change or find the cause of the problem.
4. Ensure privacy of data at your company
Aged care data is personal and sensitive, so it should only be accessible to those within your organisation. Educating employees about the importance of data security will also help prevent cyber-attacks. Remind them what suspicious emails look like, the importance of creating a unique password and using their own login. By recognising the impact a data breach would have on the company, staff will use best IT practices in their day-to-day roles.
For more tips on effective user management including adding, editing or deactivating users, login to our software and visit our Knowledge Base or get in touch with our friendly support team at